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Showing posts from March, 2019

Fast Fashion

The growth of the “fast fashion” industry has many negative impacts, and it is starting to look like efforts to resolve one problem could just cause others to snowball. It seems like donating unwanted clothing to charities might wash the shopper clean of the guilt of overconsumption, yet do those shoppers know that many charities are bundling up clothes that sit on the racks, and selling them to market vendors overseas? This might not seem so bad, but not only does it conceal and promote Western overconsumption - it inhibits the economies of those overseas markets . Some sceptics of the fast fashion industry say some simple solutions are to buy fewer and better quality products, hold clothing swaps , or to more deeply investigate charities before donating used clothing. It might help fast fashion fans to be aware of the small factors that add up to ultimate overconsumption; and the seemingly irrevocable effects being caused around the world by this industry. $43.6 billion Canadian ...